Sunday, March 8, 2009

A Good Day

Last Wednesday was a good day for me. First of all, I finished reading the Book of Mormon for our 60 day challenge and yes, I did it in 60 days! That was a big accomplishment for me. I am so glad that I did it. Next, the doctor told me I was dilated to a 3. Yipee! And last, I took Kambrie to Young Women's with me and the artist Julie Rogers (she's painting the mural at Santa Clara City Hall) was giving an art class there, and she sketched a profile of Kambrie as a demonstration, and then when it was over she asked if she could use Kamz as a model for one of her paintings. I was so happy, because I absolutely LOVE her art, and it would be a complete dream come true to have her paint Kambrie. Hmmm, not that I could afford to buy the painting, but hey, at least I could go look at it in her art gallery. lol
So anyway, all of these wonderful things happening to me in one day gave me the motivation to start the blanket for my baby girl that I have been wanting to sew since the first of the year. So the next day I started and finished it, and to make it even better, I totally love it! I'm not usually all that happy with my sewing projects when I finish them, but this one is an exception. I can't wait for baby K to get to use it.


Shala said...

There really must be something about women that are about to have their babies....They are super human! I dont know how you found the time to finish the BOM in 60 days...I was not able to do it! I love that you are able to sew your babies blankets still. You are so cool Natalie. I just know you will do great with baby K!

Brooke said...

Way to go with the Book of Mormon Noodle! Very Impresive "0)
So the blanket turned out awesome! I need a lesson on the ruffel. Tried and failed with it myself back when I was making Kenna's! lol
I think that all the contractions I was having for 3 weeks were not helping with the sewing patience!!
BTW~ not a suprise about the painting info.... Kam's is such a beautiful little lady!!

nielsen said...

Hi! Good job on the BOM reading... I need to do that! I love all the energy that comes from being pregnant and excited. The blanket looks great... and so soft! The new babes is going to love it. Tara told me about your house during parade of homes and how many people strolled through... good job for keeping it together! I hope you feel great and have that cute baby soon ;)

Jane said...

Love the blanket!! I just started learning to sew so maybe by the time I have kids I can come make something! I might have to come take a lesson from ya. HOpe the delivery goes well. Can't wait to see the cute little K.

Cindy said...

I have said it before and I will say it again. Nat, you are amazing! Good for you for finsihing the BOM in 60 days. There are all your blessings right there. The blaket turned out so cute. I didin't know you were going to do that. Good job! How exciting about the artist painting Kambrie. What a special honor for her. Even having her use her at YW was fun I bet. It is getting so close for new little baby girl to arrive. Can't wait.

Anonymous said...

Okay super great about the BOM...and I am totally impressed with your blanket...way to go my friend!!!

The Homer House said...

I LOVE the pictures of you, the baby belly, Kamz, the boys, the are all so beautiful! Congrats on your new arrival, she is precious!
You are amazing and I am so happy for you.
Good luck, I can't wait to talk to you!
Love ya girl!
p.s. Love the name!