Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day Mamas!

To all you beautifully ordinary mothers out friends, my family and all my loved ones, you are wonderful, you are amazing and you are incredible. Keep being the best mothers that you can be. Do your best and know that that is sufficient. Don't compare yourself to anyone else, you are you and your littles love you. Remember the things that you do and not the things you didn't do. I love you all!

Oh and go to my new's just starting out, but check it out and visit it often. It's kind of my own celebration of motherhood and hopefully it will be able to help you make it through some of those challenging days that all of us beautifully ordinary mothers tend to have.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad to know that this is your website...I thought maybe but I wasn't sure. I will be sure to add it to my list and check it oft.