Saturday, April 11, 2009

Sweet Miracle

Our newborn baby is quickly becoming just a baby, and not so new anymore. Sure she's only four weeks old, but really that's getting up there already. It's amazing how quickly the time goes by. On one hand it seems like just yesterday that we were bringing her home from the hospital after I had to be induced two weeks early because my fluid level was too low, and on the other hand it feels like she has been a part of our lives forever, perfectly, just like my delivery when she was born. All in all, we feel so blessed to have her. I couldn't have asked for things to go more smoothly at the hospital, and for the most part, things have gone so well since we've been home. She is a miracle, our sweet miracle, meant to be a part of our family. That's for sure. I think about how we could have lost her in the beginning of the pregnancy with the special circumstances back then, and then to have her come early because of the fluid level, NICU team in place, and not needing them at all, and also having her cord wrapped around her neck, not once, but twice. When I think of all these things it just makes me feel so amazingly blessed to have her here with me and healthy. I love my little miracle, I do.

These are some of the pictures from her newborn session when she was nine days old. If I could I would post them all. I love every single picture. Kellie with Elements Photography does such an amazing job capturing the beauty and innocence of a newborn baby. I'm glad she was able to get these priceless pictures. I think I'll have to post some more later.


Cindy said...

Love the pictures! I am so glad I was able to see them all on your computer. Wow, they are so amazing. Kenzlie is so sweet and beautiful in every one, not to mention everyone else too. The miracle of it all is so strong when they are so new and small. What a priceless gift to capture the moments so we can remember how precious they were. Kelli really got some awesome shots. Like you said today, so glad Molly found Kelli when she had Alice.

Cindy said...

I think Kenzlie really looks like Kambrie in these pictures. You can really see it especially in the ones with Kamz and her together. But look at the one with D, she really looks like Kambrie in that one. So cute!

Shala said...

Look at her dimple as she is smiles! I love it!

Rachel said...

The first picture with her smiling is absolutely perfect! She is so sweet! You have the cutest family! Thank you for being so sweet!

Tani said...

Hi! I'm here....I'm alive...just crazy these days! I'll give you more details, but just wanted to let you know that I am good. Just too busy! Your baby is sooooo beautiful!!! I need to come for a visit.

Jane said...

Oh my gosh they are gorgeous!! I'm so glad you are enjoying her. Got your annoucement too thank you. You guys are beautiful.

cjaster said...

Love the announcement! Kenzlie's pictures are amazing. She is so precious. Hope you had a good weekend.

Sims Mom said...

Congratulations on the beautiful baby girl. It does go by way too fast! My little Eliza is coming upon the big 2nd birthday and she is my last baby. I am glad we get to have them forever though!

Valerie said...

What a doll Nat. I love the hat and head band. I think these are my new favorite things for little girls now. Where were they 6 years ago with my other girl? Hope you're feeling ok and dealing with all the crazy changes well. You look like a great mom, I know you are!