I had to paparazzi Kyler. He didn't want to get his picture taken.
Look at my little Kindergartner.
After two official weeks at school, Kambrie is loving it, and Kyler is hating it. Really. Kambrie does like five pages of extra writing every night, and I can barely force Ky to do his homework. He also already had to have a talk with the principal cause I couldn't pry his hands off of the front doors of the school to get him to go in yesterday. Nice. I know. Luckily we know the principal, and she was really nice about it. She was able to convince him to go to his class while I got to go and talk to the school counselor in my hot pink pajama bottoms, goldish yellow, ten year old city league softball T-shirt with a hole in it, no bra and tennis shoes with no socks. No, I hadn't showered yet, in fact I don't even know if I had brushed my teeth. I just threw on my stuff out of bed and was going to get ready as soon as I had the kids off to school. Well, when Kyler stalled for five minutes a half a block away from the house, I threw on my Nikes and thought I could convince him to get going. You can see that my persuasion skills need some work, as I had to walk him all the way to school and live out one of my most embarrassing moments. The counselor and the principal seem to think that this may happen again, and they gave me their cell phone numbers so that one or the other of them can meet me at the door when it does. I'm hoping that it will never happen again, and you can bet if it does, I won't be in my pajamas!
I wonder if the Golden Girls know that things like this happen when they are declaring on national television that they both want to have a baby so badly. Okay, okay, I wouldn't trade it for anything, not even a gold medal, but honestly, you never know what you're getting yourself into when you become a parent.
Oh I am so sorry you had to go through that! That is one of my worst fears. I hope things get better for you. I think the best part is that you didn't even have a bra on. How lovely!
Seriously...why doesn't anyone tell you what motherhood is really like? It's like in Young Womans when your leaders are telling you that marriage is like a fairy tale...then you get married and after the honey moon you go....um what in the (beep) have I done...why don't people tell the truth...I may seem pesimistic (sp) but I tell everyone what it is really like...not that I would change it but just so that they have a heads up to know that the difficulty is normal. you know what I mean? I also hope things get better...I have been caught looking ghetto way more often than I would like myself...I am sorry friend...I am feeling for you!
P.S. I do love my Hubby...just a big adjustment at first...I am sure many can relate?
Thats so funny.=) Sorry I'm laughing I can just picture you in that situation. Oh Ky.
Thanks for putting the school pics up on the blog. The story you told was serious I know but you made it funny. Good for you Natalie.
Oh KY BOY! I luv you little guy!!!
Noodle, So I have to say, I was laughing at that lovely image of you trying to pry little fingers from the door in the basketball boxout stance, not knowing the workout you would be getting, without the support of a sports bra. HA HA HA! Not so funny in the moment I'm sure, but hey, we all have our lovely moments as moms! Just look it this way. Without our lovely little kiddos, our life stories would be pretty bland through the middle years. Oh yes, we are approching the middle years, hello THIRTY here I come!!! Luv Ya "0)
lol..now if you had fake boobies you would have had to worry you would have looked fabulous in your pjs.....Kase isnt liking school either...he has a bully :(
Whenever I'm feeling down I just get on your blog for a good 'cheer up' fix. I not only laugh every time I read your story but also at the comments from your precious friends. Life is good!
I'm so sorry this happened to you, but I really needed a good laugh. So thanks! Isn't great being a mom of school age kids? I've sent Savanna to class crying too many times, because she didn't want to go. I must be way to much fun at home:)
Oh Natalie...how sad and funny all in one!! Keep your chin up and keep a cute outfit close to the bed for those experiences. What was going through your head when you found out you had to walk him all the way to school? I can think of a few choice words.
Nice. Don't you just love those days! And I agree that our friends, the Golden Girls, don't have any idea what they are getting themselves into! :) Good times . . . . but they do make for fantastic memories!
Hey Natalie just wanted to see how you are doing? I am glad I ran into you this summer. Miss you.
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