Friday, February 22, 2008

What do you think?

So, I'm looking for a name, a good name for my photos. Although I don't have a business, I need a good name for a watermark, and I really don't want to duplicate what's already out there. For instance I've been going with Moments Photography, but there's already like a million of these out there. I was wanting it to be creative, but it seems like anything I come up with has already been used. Do I just go with my name or what? Someone suggested Noodles Photography and I'm just wondering what you think. I'm looking for some feedback, so feel free to give me any and all input. Oh by the way...for those of you who don't know, Noodle has been my nickname since I was a little girl. I just don't know if it's too, ah, noodlie for photography. Get creative and come up with a name for me. Maybe if you pick the name I go with you can get a prize. Ha, ha.
By the way, the picture has been turned to a watercolor. So if it looks a little weird, that's why. I'm gonna hang it in Kambrie's room. It'll be so cute I think.


Tani said...

How about I help you name your budding photography business and you help me pick a name for my poor nameless child! Sounds like a good deal to me!!!

Beautiful pic, by the way!!!

Anonymous said...

Nats, that picture...oh my is adorable. I love it and I think it will look so cute in her room. I would love a big one of my girls like that. I love love it!!! let me say it one more time.J/K I like noodles a lot, or nats would be cute too. but I do like the font of noodles that you used. bla bla bla, my no sleep is kicking in.

Mom of Mix Kids said...

So, I can't forget to say I also had the suggestion of "Above All Photography." I really liked that and was all ready to use it, but then I decided that it made it sound like I thought I was the best photographer ever, and I know I'm not. Also, when I went to make a watermark, I didn't really like having two A's in the name. I don't know, what do you think?

Valerie said...

I think Noodles would work just fine. I'll try to think of something better for you as well. I want you to know I suggested to Tani that she should name her son 'Big Worm.' I thought this was genious, but she decided to delete my comment. Not so nice. At least you know who he is and can laugh as well! Great memories huh! So I was thinking we need another reunion. What do you think? Every year we wait, more and more kids arive, and the crazier it gets. Lets do it now!

Kellie Larsen said...

noddles is cute! i like it and i love that picture!

Kellie Larsen said...

ohh btw...i dont care about the picture...:)

Unknown said...

So Natalie, what's the "prize" for winning? I like noodles though, it's cute.

MCJaster said...

I love the picture Natalie!! It's like with food .. . it always seems better when someone else cooks it. You are an awesome photographer. Pass along some of that talent.

And a name, hmmm, "Neva Trends," "Creative Moments," or for kicks--"Big Worm Photography."

And for Tani's baby, "Tuff" was a name we liked. One Tuff Nihipali.

:0) crystal