Thursday, February 28, 2008

Angels Sent to Help

Life doesn't always go so well, and when this happens it's really easy to focus on the bad rather than the good. Today has been a bad day, real bad. Probably my worst yet since Danny has been gone. I've been pretty negative about it all too, but just as I was logging on to my blog to vent my thoughts I thought about the good things that happened today. I had two angels in my life today. Adrienne and Mindy. I love them. They saved me today, and if it weren't for them, I'd probably be running away instead of blogging. So remember to look for your angels. Appreciate, love and thank them. They've been sent by someone who knows you, loves you and doesn't want you to run away. Thankfully they listened to Him when He asked them to help his daughter. Thanks for lending a helping hand.


Molly said...

More than half way done! Hang in there. I am glad I got these pics done again. They turned out good even though Alice was fussy and abviously cheesy. Thanks Nat.

Anonymous said...

Nats, I hear you on the hard days without a husband around to take some of the slack. You will make it...we are so lucky to have good friends to help us though. Take care and keep day at a time right?

Bliss Portraits said...

Natalie... not sure what you're going through, but I empathize... last week was probably one of the hardest for me and I have wanted to run away, too! You're not alone, girl. Thanks for commenting on my blog! You're a sweetheart. I've been thinking about you lately and wondering how your photography is going. Hope you stay in touch. I'll try to blog/email better! Jessica