Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Help me out and vote!

Southern Utahs Unique Child Photographer 435.668.1136

Okay, I'm sending you to Kellie's blog again...this time to vote. No, not for Karsten, bummer, but for Ali Kate. If she wins she gets a free photo session from Kelllie. Sweet! Oh, by the way, Alice is my niece, Danny's brother's little girl. I was glad to see of all the pictures Kell took in 2007, Alice made it to her contest. This was one of my favortie pictures too. She's picture #14. Thanks for voting!


Molly said...
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Unknown said...

Are you kidding me!? Natalie, this is Charley Hall, Kimmy's brother. This blogging thing is insane, right. All of a sudden , I'm two hours into reading other peoples' lives and I find yours! Hope all is well. Your children are beautiful! Write back if you get a minute. Tell Coach I said hello. Bye.