Wednesday, February 23, 2011

One Inning

Three up, three down. Because we got rained out this past weekend at the President's Day Tourney, that's all Ky got on the inning.  It was a bummer, but his one inning to throw came right after his at bat where he got his first in the park home run. So he was feeling it, and as soon as he stepped on the mound the coach's wife, Doree, said he had "the look in his eye," and we knew it was going to be a good inning. And that it was. Three up, three down. Two strikeouts, a ground out to Ky, and another win for the Sliderzz.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Kyler pitched a great inning for sure! You could see & feel his focus and intensity. Fun game to watch. Fun to see his home exciting....cute team!!Great pictures!!