Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Big Mac...

Okay, so never mind the fillet a fish, but I do have a BIG MAC!!!! I'm a little nervous to get it figured out, but I'm way excited too. I waited all day to get it out of the box cause I knew that as soon as I did I could forget about everything else I needed to do today. Danny was as excited about it as I was though, so he started setting it up when I was eating dinner. Now I'm on my computer and there are dishes to be done, laundry to be folded, kids to be tended to and wait a minute...isn't that why my old computer became a thing of the past? Aaahhhh, better go.

Spike, come home from Hawaii so you can teach me how to use this thing.

I sure like how pictures look on it :)

1 comment:

Boo and Sara said...

You will love your MAC. They are the best!