Monday, April 28, 2008

What's love got to do with it?

Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken? I know a few people that are very, very close to me that are singing this song right now. What is up with divorces anyway?!?! Why do they happen so often these days? Why can't we see through the evil plan of the adversary to mess things up in our ever important families? Not only does it effect the familes now, but for generations to come and into eternity. It's such a tough issue. I've been plagued by these distressing thoughts for months now, and it's all coming to an end, an end of just what I was hoping could be avoided. But is it really the end? Not a chance, in fact, it's only the beginning. The beginning of a whole new ball game, new challenges, new heartaches, new trials, and new obstacles that come when a family becomes split. I hope somehow, someway there can be happiness on the horizon. That is what we are all truly after anyway, right? Isn't it ironic that how often it seems we make ourselves unhappy in trying to attain just that. So is love really just a sweet old fashioned notion? I hope not. I really hope not.

1 comment:

Molly said...

This made me tear up. All are trials make us stronger. Love is real...