Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Anyone for a Cherry 7-Up?

Okay, so I usually don't drink a whole lot of pop. In fact, it's basically my special occasion drink. Well, lately I've been having a special occasion on a daily basis. Nice. I know. But who can resist the crisp, cool, cherried taste of a cherry 7-up on the rocks? Not I, and the Magnesens have been keeping their fridge stocked just for me, or so they say, and I believe 'em. It's what keeps me going late into the night as we sing, sing and sing some more as I try desperately to become a "Sing Star." It's what kept me going as I braved it alone with four kids while Danny was away working. If things got a little too hard, I knew I could count on the Maggies to hook me up and keep me going for one more day, with not only a cold drink, but also with a warm dinner, yum. Thank you! A few sodas can't hurt too badly, right? After all, it's like the original, "No caffiene. Never had it. Never will." lol ;)


Anonymous said...

We still have plenty left. Come on over.

Jane said...

Neva, of course it can't hurt you with your metabolism!! It only hurts those of us that don't need the extra calories. I agree with the cherry flavoring. Any drink with a twist of cherry can't be that bad. Good to hear you have such good friends to take care of you. Miss ya!

Tracey Kendall said...

loving your new header so creative. Love it :)

Anonymous said...

are you sure you are not prego...I always crave drinks like that when I am pregnant for some reason. Just teasing but it is something to think about. wink wink

Anonymous said...

Nood, I can still remember that one day when we kept sneaking to the fridge and drinking out of the two liter and after every drink laughing our heads off as we said "7up, No caffeine, never had it never will" Love ya