Thursday, June 5, 2008

Fang Baby

I think he might belong in that book with the apple on the cover, ah, come on what's it called? The one with the vampires that all my friends LOVE and say I really need to read? Hmm, it's not coming to me. Weird. I think Stephanie Meyers is the name of the author. Anyway, check out those vampire teeth. Oh and don't pay attention to the mess on his face. We were in Montana, in a motel, after a very long drive, and I was too tired to care. Lol.


Tani said...

I can't wait to see your fang baby tomorrow and I really can't believe you still haven't read those books!!!!!!!!!!!!

kellbell said...

TWILLIGHT and yes you HAVE to read it...or just wait till Cmas the movie will be out...but it would be as good :)

Beautifully Ordinary Mother said...

Thank you. Seriously, that has been buggin me for two days. I don't know why I couldn't think of the name. I hate it when that happens.